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Stop Waiting and Start Leading [#130]

Inner Life, Leadership, Life Purpose, Rock Your Purpose Podcast

Have you ever noticed that there’s this gap between your inspiration and you doing the thing that you really want to be doing?

I’ve noticed it time and time again with my coaching clients when they enter my coaching container, and I’ve noticed it in conversations that I have on Instagram with all of you in my DMS.

And so on today’s show, we’re talking about leading with your energy— about getting out of waiting mode, and into action and leadership.

In this episode from a recent Facebook live in the Rock Your Purpose Facebook Community, we are talking about leading with your energy.  

Inside the show: 

  • An oracle card pull where I pull a card that represents where we are now
  • Leading with your energy 
  • Celebrating the accomplishment of others 
  • Stop waiting to do the thing you want to do 

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Ready to get unstuck, end self-sabotage, & grow your heart-centered business? Grab my free guide, 3 Steps to Clearing Limiting Beliefs, and unlock your potential as a heart-centered leader. Grab your guide here.
  • Help others find this show: leave us a 5-star rating and review and be entered to win our monthly giveaway! We’re giving out Rock Your Purpose swag to a reviewer at the end of each month: you can leave your review on Apple Podcasts right here.
  • Ready to do the inner work, heal, get inspired on the entrepreneurial path? Join us in the FREE Rock Your Purpose Facebook Community and connect with like-minded souls on the journey of heart-centered entrepreneurship. Join the group here.

Other episodes that can help you to stop waiting and start leading: 



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