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Realign with Your Purpose: Activating Your Soul Contract

Inner Life, Life Purpose, Rock Your Purpose Podcast

Lately, I’ve been having conversations with friends and clients about getting back into alignment with their purpose. And so maybe like many of us, you found yourself pursuing something that no longer feels aligned, or you’ve outgrown the path that you’ve been on.

And so on today’s show, I want to talk about the process of realigning with your true north and your purpose, and activating your deeper purpose within you, your soul contract.

Inside the show:

  • Tips on how to realign with your purpose
  • Soul Contracts explained
  • The Four Pillars of Purpose

Mentioned in this episode: 

  • Get on the list for Emily’s next live training, Rock Your Abundance: Activate the Manifestation Codes, which launches soon. Be the first to hear and claim special pricing at
  • Grab my FREE checklist: The Magnetic Money Reset Checklist will take you through 5 Mindset shifts to unlock deep money shifts. Get instant access at
  • Ready to do the inner work, heal, and be inspired on the entrepreneurial path? Join us in the FREE Rock Your Purpose Facebook Community and connect with like-minded souls on the journey of heart-centered entrepreneurship. Join the group here.  

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