In the Rock Your Purpose Facebook Community, many people mention self-trust and self-belief as blocks to pursuing their purpose.
Today’s episode of the show features one of the December Daily Facebook livestreams I have been offering in that community.
You’re invited: just visit to join us in these tranformative conversations.
Inside this episode:
- Believing in ourselves as entrepreneurs.
- How we set ourselves up to not trust ourselves.
- Why entrepreneurship asks us to lean into self-belief in a major way.
- How to reset your self-trust.
Mentioned in this episode:
- Daily December is happening! I am going live every day in December in the Rock Your Purpose Facebook Community >> you can join us here:
- Grab my FREE guide: “3 Healing Abundance Strategies for Heart-Led Leaders”: create more abundance in your soul business while healing your life with these 3 easy strategies. Get instant access at
Be well, take care, and keep rocking your purpose!
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