Episode 52 How Following Your Dreams Helps You Heal

Rock Your Purpose Podcast

life purpose spiritual emily perry affirmation meditation spirit junkie yoga manifestation podcast podcaster rock your purpose personal transformation development

Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Rock Your Purpose Podcast!

This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with a student, all about pursuing our dreams and doing healing work.

This is such a juicy episode, I’m so excited to share it with you.

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Ho’oponopono, the healing practice from the Hawaiian tradition.
  • The practice goes something like this: “I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank you, I Love You.”
  • Here’s my YouTube version of Ho’oponopono I mentioned.

I would love to hear from you: what was your biggest take-away from today’s episode? Drop me a comment below, or take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in Instagram @emilyperry.co.

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Thank you so much for joining us for this episode of the Rock our Purpose Podcast.



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